
definition of referral

The term remission can refer to several meanings that vary depending on how they are used. In a first sense, the word referral is related to the idea of ​​referral, which is why a referral is an act by which one refers to something already existing or previous, for example when a person writes and makes a referral in it. to a pre-existing work (in this case, a reference would be like a quote or paraphrase). But on the other hand, the remission can also be understood as the forgiveness of a debt, which brings us to the legal and legal field in which the term gains a completely different meaning.

The act of forwarding in the first sense mentioned is a very common act that anyone who writes can perform. In this way, the referral allows an individual to take into account things or texts that have already been written before in order to relate or link what they say with what is being written again. Whenever we talk about referral, we are pointing out who is being referred to.

In the second sense of the word remission we find other meaning quite different. The remission in judicial or legal terms is neither more nor less than the act by which a person or institution forgives a debt to another person or institution. This debt can be capital but also of any other type, established from the more or less explicit contract between the two parties. The referral can be made to help the debtor, although sometimes this favor can be charged with long-term interest. The remission or forgiveness of a debt can be total or partial, as well as it can be voluntary or testamentary (that is, when one of the two parties dies and with that simple act the debt that one of them had with the other is terminated).

The remission as forgiveness of debts is something very well known today in international terms since there are several countries that ask for the cancellation of their external debts to international fiscal organizations such as the IMF in order to carry out an orderly and free economy adjustment.

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