
definition of learning

The word learn is a term that is closely related to the acquisition of knowledge and the fixing of data and information in our brain.

Process through which knowledge is acquired

Although this activity is especially associated with human beings, we must also say that animals have the ability to learn behaviors from the teaching of their owners or training by professionals.

Generally, we use it in two senses, on the one hand, to account for the obtaining knowledge of something, a topic, a question, among others.

And on the other hand, we use it to express the fixation of something, usually data, specific information, a part of a text, among others, in our memory.

A constant and progressive learning

The human brain is specially designed and prepared to assimilate all kinds of knowledge, while it can be learned in various ways, such is the case of direct observation, through reasoning, through study, in interaction with pairs, between the main modes.

Human beings live by constantly learning issues.

People come into the world empty of knowledge, when we are born we do not have any knowledge, we will gradually acquire it through experimentation, of what our parents and the rest of our environment teach us.

It should be noted that human beings not only learn school subjects but throughout our lives we learn a variety of other issues such as: values, behaviors, activities, which are the result of attending school, university, among other educational institutions, but also from observation, experience, study, interaction with the other and the reasoning of each individual.

Meanwhile, we call as learning to the process from which we are able to acquire knowledge, skills and also to modify the latter with the mission of obtaining progress thanks to change, and without a doubt, learning stands out as one of the most outstanding mental capacities that humans, animals and artificial intelligences possess.

So we do not learn everything in school, but we must emphasize that in educational institutions and at the various levels proposed by formal, initial, primary, secondary and university education, people learn specific knowledge about various subjects that will allow them to develop, grow and also be able to make decisions and give opinions on different issues because they have knowledge on precisely a variety of topics.

The importance of education in the progress of a person

Access to education is very important for the progress and development of any person, without satisfactory training in this regard, people will lack opportunities and will be in an unfavorable situation compared to others who have had adequate access to school education.

The step-by-step of human learning is more or less like this: we acquire knowledge, then we process it, followed by understanding and finally we apply the knowledge we learn.

The result thrown by a certain learning is easy to glimpse from the observation of new behaviors or the variation in some behaviors.

According to the positive results obtained in this regard by several studies that addressed the issue, the repetition of some actions and inclinations are decisive when it comes to achieving significant progress in the learning process.

Having knowledge is very important with regard to obtaining opportunities in working life especially, then and by case is that the state must promote schooling in people and deal mainly with those who have fewer resources and who are often subjected to a situation of great vulnerability that takes them away from study and brings them closer to bad habits, and why not also working from an early age, a fact that takes time away from studying.

A good educational policy must contemplate that everyone, with their social differences, has the opportunity to access learning, because this will ensure the same possibilities in life.

The word learn presents a variety of synonyms that can be used in its place or vice versa, such as: learn, cultivate, study ....

Meanwhile, he opposes concepts such as: ignore and forget, because whoever ignores or forgets lacks knowledge and that information stored in a timely manner.

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