
definition of roman law

Understood as the origin of current law, Roman law is one of the most important bodies of legislation of Humanity and without a doubt, the first in the West. Roman law is a compilation of laws, treaties and regulations that were established at different times in the history of ancient Rome, a compilation from which current legislation on numerous social, criminal, civil, economic, tax issues evolves to a great extent. , etc.

The Romans were one of the first civilizations to organize and classify in an orderly manner the different laws existing in their society. Although other ancient communities such as those of Mesopotamia had already known how to produce their own codes of laws and norms, it would not be until the growth of Rome that we can find a type of legislation organized and classified according to subject, scope or jurisdiction.

Today we know much of the Roman work in regards to law due to the legal compilation ordered by the Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD. C. (that is, when the impressive Roman Empire only survived the eastern region at that time called the Byzantine Empire). This compilation became known by the Latin name of Corpus Juris Civilis, which is translated as the Civil Legal Body.

The important Roman tradition with regard to law means that today this civilization is considered the founding bastion of current law. In this sense, one of the most important moments in the Roman tradition was the writing of the XII Tables in which different rules, regulations and punishments were listed in situations of social, family, civil, economic, criminal, etc. Then, with the growth and expansion of the Roman Empire in later times, the need for both geopolitical and social and legal order meant the drafting of endless laws, treaties and codes that sought to organize all aspects of common life.

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