
definition of chemistry

Chemistry It is one of the most important sciences that exist since it is largely responsible for the progress that humanity has experienced, as it began to advance in its development. His works, by the way, have many applications that have a use in industry and even in our daily lives. To name some of the fields that apply it the most: engineering, medicine, biology, pharmacy, geology and hygiene, among others.

Basically, chemistry deals, on the one hand, with the study of matter, how it is composed, its structure, its properties and of course the changes that it can undergo as a result of chemical reactions. And on the other hand, it also corresponds to the manufacture of artificial products from those substances that she studies.

As we appreciate, its universe of study is vast and wide and then it is that we can find a division of chemistry, in various branches, that organizes precisely this aspect.

At first we came across the organic chemistry and with inorganic chemistry, being that the first deals with the study of chemical reactions and the combinations of carbon and hydrocarbon atoms. Inorganic, for its part, focuses on the approach to minerals and artificial production that is possible through chemical reactions.

Biochemistry has the responsibility to understand in the resolution of serious problems such as the depletion of some resources, pollution and the confrontation of some diseases.

And finally physicochemistry understands physical issues and analytical chemistry studies the chemical composition of a matter.

But we also find other uses of the word, obviously linked to the work of chemistry.

When you want to refer to what is proper or related to chemistry, this term is used as well.

The professional who specializes in this matter is popularly known as a chemist or chemist.

And also when some food has an artificial component in large quantities, it will be said that it has a lot of chemistry.

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