
definition of epic

There are several references to the term Epic.

On the one hand, For literature, the epic is an epic subgenre or extensive narrative poem, generally written in long verse or prose, in which those transcendental actions or actions worthy of remaining in the memory of a people and that revolve around of the figure of a hero representing the most esteemed virtues. For example, that of the Cid Campeador is one of the most magnificent epics that adorns the pages of Hispanic literary history..

Generally, the actions in question, objects of this type of story, are wars or trips that great heroes, brave or warriors have carried out and in which gods and fantastic elements also mostly intervene. Although in the latter case it turned out to be a very common and widespread modality during medieval times, being already replaced by more realistic elements in the 19th century, prevailing the epic of the vulgar or middle-class hero who managed to conquer political power and social prestige. through his actions and that he came to reveal the new values ​​of that moment, such as individualism and materialism.

Among the characteristics that an epic must yes or yes observe are the following: beginning in media res (the narration does not begin as traditionally happens at the beginning of the story but rather in the middle of it), the space is very wide, being able to cover many nations or the universe itself, preliminary invocation of the muse, that is, of the one who inspired the story, initial formulation of the theme, use of epithets, use of long enumerations, prominent presence of long and formal speeches , intervention of the gods in human affairs and the presence of heroes who embody the values ​​of a nation, a civilization, a culture.

On the other hand, the set of these poems, which are part of the epic tradition of a people, are called epic (Greek epic / Roman epic).

Too, the set of feats and memorable events that have been carried out by a person, group or nation are designated by the term epic.

And also, the activity that an individual, group or organization carries out with great effort and in which they managed to overcome all the numerous difficulties is called epic.

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