
definition of pilgrimage

It is known under the term pilgrimage to those routes and trips that a person makes from any point to a sanctuary or temple in honor of the religion that he professes and the gods that he follows. The pilgrimage or pilgrimage is one more example of the sacrifice that the believer makes in honor of their gods since, in general, the routes to follow are usually long and present difficulties along the way. In this way, it can become a way of showing devotion to the God in question. In many cases, the pilgrimage itself is considered the exercise of connection with the deity since in it the believer finds himself reflecting on his God.

The pilgrimage has been over the centuries one of the most popular displays of faith and devotion in different societies. In this sense, both some of the ancient societies and medieval cultures and many others later, resorted to pilgrimage as one of the most important forms of popular expression, since religion was the center of all life. The pilgrimages in those times could include the route of very long paths on foot, paths that generally extended among nature (with all that that implied at the level of difficulty) and ended with religious ceremonies in the place where the church was located. sanctuary or temple.

Today, pilgrimages are not as common as before, but this does not imply that they do not exist. On the contrary, they are of special importance for the Muslim religion, which assumes that all believers must at least once in their life make a pilgrimage to Mecca (in Saudi Arabia) or the voluntary pilgrimages that Christian believers develop towards certain churches and temples of the world.

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