
definition of babble

The babbling is the hesitant or choppy pronunciation when speaking or reading text. Babbling is typical of babiesIt is the usual way in which they begin to communicate and speak with their environment, although babbling is not the absolute property of the little ones, but adults can also babble words in some special situations; For example, we have to give a speech at a friend's wedding and while we are reading it we get excited and then the pronunciation becomes hesitant. The best man babbled a speech, he was really very excited.

Also, when some situation makes us nervous or uneasy, the same nerves betray and make words appear hesitant and choppy. After the shock of the assault my mom just babbled.

Meanwhile, when it comes to the growth of human beings, babbling is one of the phases of language development that takes place between 5 and 11 months. Consists of the spontaneous and repeated pronunciation of phonemes and sounds with both a maturational and playful purpose.

Language as such will only appear after two years of a person's life, then, the first year of the baby's life will be essential for its later development and babbling occupies a very prominent place.

When reaching two months of life, the baby begins to emit sounds that respond to the demonstrations of affection that we send them and that come from the back of the mouth; This allows him to exercise the organs of speech, while in the sixth month he begins to become aware of his gurgles and this stimulates him more and he will begin to repeat syllables: ma-ma, pa-pa, ta-ta, among others.

Imitation and observation of our reactions are what will help the baby to replace babbling with words. Therefore, it is essential to talk to him and to talk to the baby so that he assimilates and can speak soon.

Babbling has five phases: reflex vocalizations (0 to 2 months, characterized by sharpness of sounds), twitter (between the second and third month, the baby begins to say aha), vocal game (between 3 and 5 months, they produce sounds similar to consonants and vowels in isolation), reduplicative babbling (from the sixth to the ninth month, the child forms long, repeated syllabic chains) and non-reduplicative babbling (From the ninth month and until the appearance of the first words, the short strings appear next to the syllables, begin to use the communicative context).

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