
definition of hero

A hero is a father of a nation. In other words, a father of the country. This means that the name of the hero is like an honorary title that distinguishes the person who is considered one of the founders of a nation. On the other hand, the term hero refers to the illustrious characters of a country, that is, those individuals who have managed to go down in history for some reason, their political, military, artistic or other merits.

The heroes in Latin America

In the Latin American context there is a consolidated cultural tradition by which the memory of its illustrious children, the heroes, is honored. This recognition is reflected in a series of commemorative monuments, among which we can mention the Paseo de los Próceres in the Venezuelan capital or the Column of Heroes of the city of Guayaquil in Ecuador.

The fact that the Latin American peoples recognize their heroes is due to their shared history. In this sense, countries like Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador or Chile have something in common: they achieved their independence from Spain because the different peoples were led by liberators. Thus, characters like San Martin, Bolívar or Sucre are liberators and, by extension, heroes.

The role of heroes in society

The figure of the hero can be understood as a national hero. His exaltation has several dimensions. It is a way of remembering history through its most prominent characters. On the other hand, the hero is a social reference and an example to follow. Just as in the Christian tradition there are martyrs and saints, in the political and social life of a country the referents are the heroes. His reference has a political dimension but also a moral one.

In everyday life the heroes are present in all kinds of symbols: the different national currencies, the name of the nations (this is what happens with Venezuela, whose official name is the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) and in all kinds of symbolic elements. In this way, national heroes are present on a daily basis and their role in history is permanently remembered.

In addition to the aforementioned heroes, we could highlight others, such as Miguel Hidalgo (a priest and military man who fought for the independence of Mexico), Bernardo O´Higgins (a Chilean politician and military man who led the fight for independence) or José Martí (a Cuban writer who starred in the independence of his people and is still today a figure that represents the Cuban people).

Photo: iStock - Jerry Moorman

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