
definition of business day

The business day concept is a social type concept that is used to designate those days of the week in which work is done and that do not belong to the weekend. These days are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, leaving Saturday and Sunday outside. The concept of business day is already a tradition since today many companies and businesses also operate on days not considered business days, which is why for many people work days are different. However, it is only during business days that public and private institutions such as banks, schools, administration, state offices, etc. operate.

As it was said at the beginning, the idea of ​​working days is purely social if we take into account that it only serves to differentiate within seven days of the week, those that are working days from those that normally are not. The notion of a business day means that it is a business day to work, to carry out different activities that have to do more than anything with productivity, although they can be highly variable in each case.

Normally, working days are the majority of the days of the week, which implies that the productivity of the human being must (according to the socially established parameters) must be greater than the time of rest or relaxation, of leisure. In addition, the idea of ​​a business day can also vary in terms of its duration: while for banks the duration of a business day tends to be from nine to three in the afternoon, other state offices and spaces account for the business time until eight or nine at night.

An important consideration to take into account is the fact that the days considered normally working days may sometimes not be if holidays or special festivities fall on them, for which the working activity is suspended.

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