
school and first aid kit - definition, concept and what it is

The school kit and first aid kit at the same time It is a box that contains the medicines and hygiene products necessary to carry out the basic and initial measures against a wound, trauma or a common symptom.

It must be present both at home and in schools and workplaces. It must be in charge of a person responsible for it.

Main features

It must provide conditions to properly store the required materials and medicines, and it must also be able to be hermetically closed. It must be easily identifiable, everyone must know where you are, and it must have easy access.

It usually consists of a metal or wooden box attached to the wall and labeled with your name or with a red cross. It can also be helpful to have an easy-to-carry briefcase.

Medications must be contained in their original boxes or containers with their respective prospectuses, in order to have basic information on them at hand. It is also important to have a guide on the dosage of medications and their contraindications on hand.

All the contents of the kit should be periodically reviewed to remove expired materials and medications or replace those already used.

This equipment must be out of the reach of children.

Medications most commonly used to treat common conditions should always be available in first aid kits

- Anti-inflammatory analgesics to relieve pain and lower fever. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and diclofenac sodium.

- Medicines for vomiting. Includes metoclopramide.

- Lactobacillus-based antidiarrheals.

- Medicines for allergies. Like loratadine, deslorataine, and chloropheniramine.

- Ointments for burns. Mainly based on nitrofurantoin or silver sulfadiazine.

- Medications based on arnica ointment for trauma.

Sanitary material

It consists of the material necessary to heal a wound or burn, comprising:

- Alcohol

- Peroxide

- Antiseptic solutions

- Sterile gauze

- Cotton

- Adhesive

- Swabs

- Liquid antiseptic soap

- Elastic bandages

- Oral thermometer

- Pair of scissors

- Band aids

Material that is not essential but is still very useful

- Physiological solution for washing or cleaning wounds

- Blood pressure monitor

- Flashlight

- Tongue down

- Tweezers

- Anklet

- Cold gel compresses

- Disposable gloves

Photos: Fotolia - Daren Woodward / TMC

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