
definition of fury

The fury it's a emotional state that affects human beings and is characterized by the manifestation of enormous anger, anger, against something or against someone, violence being the main action that takes place while the anger lasts, and can be the same physical or verbal.

Emotional state that humans and animals live and that is highlighted by the manifestation of great anger accompanied by violence

That is, the person experiencing rage will show extremely irritable in the way you talk and move And that is why it is very common for him to yell, insult, perform vulgar gestures or actions of physical violence such as fist blows, kicking things or people, breaking elements, hurting others or himself in this great attack; and until he exhibits some physical symptoms of that fury that he experiences as being: flushed face, tightly clenched fists, narrowed eyes, increased heart rate such as tachycardia, pressure and adrenaline level, among others.

Meanwhile, it usually comes from the hand of negative feelings such as antipathy, contempt, resentment and revenge.

Normally, anger is a response that individuals give to the perception of a danger, a threat, or a harm on us, on our environment, that is, on something that is appreciated too much.

Now, anger can appear at a certain moment in our lives and as a consequence of an action or situation that triggers it and then, after the situation is overcome, disappear.

When anger complicates social life

But on the other hand it can happen that anger is one more characteristic of a person's personality and here, anger can become a difficult obstacle for the development and social coexistence of that person within the community.

This habitual behavior will be considered as a defect of the person.

According to what professionals who study the behavior of human beings maintain, anger is usually a defense or attack mechanism that cannot be controlled in a corresponding way and then an outbreak occurs that can have serious consequences, if is that physical violence is imposed against third parties.

Stress, unresolved problems and illnesses, some causes

While there are many causes that can trigger anger, stress has been identified as one of its most concrete and direct drivers, especially in these times that happen to be so fast.

But anger can also be the manifestation of a deep problem, or even a disease, that is why it is essential to consult a professional when this characteristic is observed over time, in order to diagnose the condition and find a solution or solution.

For example, it is important that in these situations, the person undergoes psychological treatments that help them overcome this trait.

It is important that we mark that anger is a very natural emotion to appreciate and appear among human beings, surely, almost all of us have experienced it or will experience it at some time in life, and we could even say that it is even healthy that it should be so. When it comes to protecting ourselves and our environment, however, when it is uncontrollable and harms us socially as we have said, then we will be facing a serious problem that requires a quick solution so that it does not hinder our life and development according.

For Christianity this behavior is a capital sin along with the other six such as: greed, gluttony, pride, laziness and lust.

It should be noted that anger is not only the heritage of human beings, animals also manifest it, although of course, more elementally, such as showing their teeth, growling.

More uses ...

But we also use the word fury to express other questions such as: that activity that is characterized by the violence that presents (the fury of the wind swept away everything in its path); the great speed with which something happens (I'm going to meet you with all the fury); the courage and momentum that someone shows (the player fought his opponent furiously until the last minute).

Among the synonyms that we use the most for this word stands out that of go to , while its opposite is the concept of serenity that refers to the tranquility and calm that something or someone observes.

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