
audiovisual - definition, concept and what it is

The term audiovisual refers to the different devices in which human hearing and vision intervene jointly. Sometimes the name image and sound is used to refer to the audiovisual world.

The historical origin of the audiovisual

People began to talk about audiovisual media in the late 1920s when films stopped being silent. Starting in the 1950s, television became a means of mass communication and the concept of audiovisual language was coined, since the perception of the audible and the visual is simultaneous.

The audiovisual language of cinema was initially conceived for entertainment, but within a few years it demonstrated its potential as a propaganda tool, and both the Soviet Union and the United States encouraged cinema with a political purpose.

The audiovisual industry was born in Hollywood and since the 1920s it has not stopped evolving through the large film studios.

The audiovisual production of a film

A film tells a story through images and words, but its elaboration is complex. Thus, audiovisual production consists of three parts: pre-production, production and post-production.

Pre-production begins with a film script that arouses the interest of a film producer who, in turn, is responsible for seeking funding and resources for the script to become a film. In production, the director of the film is responsible for coordinating all the professionals involved (film crew, illuminators, editors, special effects technicians, machinists, etc.).

Post-production takes place when the filming of the film ends and consists of manipulating the audiovisual material and there is talk of video post-production and audio post-production.

Training in the audiovisual world

Many young people are attracted to studies related to image and sound, that is, to the audiovisual world. This is usually a higher technical degree or a degree in audiovisual communication. Students must become familiar with subjects such as 3D animation, interactive environments, image processing, audiovisual production, audiovisual documentation or image culture, among other subjects. The field of audiovisual studies includes fields such as radio, film, television and photojournalism.

Photos: iStock - Haykirdi / AlonsoAguilar

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