
definition of analogy

The word analogy is used in our language with the intention of mentioning the relationship of similarity that exists between things that are different. The analogy between the two parties is incredible even though they were organized by different event organization companies.

Then, when two elements, ideas, experiences, are compared and linked based on their general and particular characteristics, and after that, it is finally observed that there are shared characteristics, it will be discussed in terms of analogy.

It should be noted that the analogy then allows us to make inductive arguments, since if it is established that two or more things are similar in several respects, it will be absolutely probable that even more similarities will be found between them.

In religion we find a reference for this word since it is used to designate a concept that is comparable to a reality that turns out to be incomprehensible to human reasonIn other words, the concept exists, it is taken for granted, but its transcendent character makes it escape the understanding of the human mind. An example that serves to clarify the question is the issue of paternity that corresponds to God over all men, even having different natures.

Also in biology The word in question has a reference, since we will speak of two analogous structures when both fulfill similar functions through similar means, although it is not an indispensable condition that they present the same origin.

On your side, in law, the analogy implies a method that makes a rule extend to those situations that are not included in it.

And at the behest of the grammar, is called analogy to the similarity that exists between linguistic pieces that display the same function. In those natural languages ​​it is recurrent that the extension occurs in the use of certain parameters that make up the words.

Meanwhile, the concept that is opposed to that of analogy will be is that of difference, because it precisely refers to that aspect that makes the difference between one thing or person with respect to others.

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