
definition of left (politics)

The concept of left It has a historical and widespread use in the political context since through this word it is called one of the two most popular ideological trends (the other is his opponent the right) in the world. The left proposes among its fundamental maxims the change in the matter of social and economic structure, in order to achieve social equality, and consequently opposing the conservative proposal, quite far from change, supported by the political right.

Both the concept of the left and the right have their origin in the emblematic and critical times of the French Revolution where issues such as the continuity or not of the monarchy began to be seriously discussed. It is precisely on this point that the gap would open between two opposing positions that would face each other on this issue: absolute power of the king and relative power. In the framework of the Legislative Assembly, those who proposed the first thing sat on the right and those who argued the opposite on the left, then, from this particular and casual question of sitting on one side and on the other, these concepts arose that would allow to designate two of the most important political trends of the centuries to come.

As with the political right, the left has many branches and expressions that became extremely popular as the trend from which they were born, such is the case of communism, socialism, social democracy and the extreme of this trend embodied by anarchism, because it supports the disappearance of the government and the state, and instead proposes a system of free organization among people.

At present we find several demonstrations of the left that manage states through their proposal, one of the most important cases being that of China, chaired by Xi Jinping, who just belongs to the Communist Party of China left-leaning. These days too France has a left-wing management through the president François Hollande, belonging to the French Socialist Party.

And if we review history we also find political leaders enrolled in this current, among them: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, among others.

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