
definition of obtuse

The word obtuse It is used in our language to refer to various questions.

One of those many uses is to refer to that which does not have a point, that is, objects, elements that do not have a point are called obtuse. For example, before a pencil or a blunt tool will speak in terms of obtuse.

Obviously, when an element should have a tip and does not present it because it was spent or due to any other situation, its effect or the utility it may currently have will diminish. We must mention that it is also common that when a tool or utensil is obtuse, it is spoken in terms of mocho.

The opposite would be a pointed and sharp item.

On the other hand, the word obtuse is used extensively to refer to athat person who is not able to understand anything or situation quickly and easily; or it is also used a lot when a person can understand but becomes stupid because, for example, they do not agree with something and then they do not understand what is being said even though their position or idea is not the correct one but rather the wrong one.

So, the word obtuse applied to a person can be used to indicate that he is clumsy and slow to understand or that he is a fool.

It is also worth noting that this sense has a highly pejorative use. Meanwhile the other side would be to speak of someone intelligent and clever.

In another area in which the term is widely used is in the math where it is used to name one of the angles that studies matter, the obtuse angle, which is characterized by measuring more than 90 ° but less than 180 °. Recall that the right angle measures 90 °, the flat is flat and the oblique is called that precisely because its shape is not straight.

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