
definition of yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy product of generally creamy consistency that is obtained from the fermentation of milk.. Although there is no impediment when using any type of milk for the elaboration of yogurt, preferably, the current production uses the Cow milk.

Meanwhile, it will be precisely the fermentation of milk sugar into lactic acid which will give yogurt that consistency and flavor so distinctive among other similar substances.

Although the natural flavor, popularly known as Kumis, is the most frequent, in recent years the demand for flavored yogurts has been imposed and therefore it is common to find fruit, vanilla, chocolate yogurts or any other flavoring .

The origin of the word yogurt comes from the Turkish language, and it implies a mixture, surely, in the determination of its name, its preparation method has had a lot to do with it.

Regarding its appearance in time, there is reliable evidence that speaks of the existence of yogurt 4,500 years agoThe first yogurts are believed to have appeared as a consequence of spontaneous fermentation, probably due to the action of some bacteria found inside goatskin bags, which were used as transport containers.

For a long time, yogurt remained a food typical of the India, Asia and EuropeUntil approximately 1900, a scientist formally exposed the beneficial properties of yogurt regarding the high life expectancy that they generated in Bulgarian peasants, then, from then on, its consumption was magnified.

The main ingredient that yogurt requires are benign bacteria, which will stay inside the milk under controlled temperature and environmental conditions, which will vary depending on the texture that you want to give the yogurt, whether it is firm, creamy, pasteurized, among others.

Currently, the variety of yogurts that exist is infinite, strawberry, plum, vanilla, natural, drinkable, firm, creamy, super creamy, while sugary cereals or regular ones are usually an ideal accompaniment to them, even Many brands already sell them with small pots of cereals in the same pack as the yogurt.

Some of the main benefits of yogurt is that it is rich in calcium, protein and helps in the regulation of the intestine.

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