
definition of visual arts

The Visual Arts are forms, expressions of art that are predominantly focused on the creation of works that are visual by nature such as painting, photography, printing and cinema.. That is, the visual arts are artistic expressions that are appreciated and enjoyed eminently through the sense of sight, through our eyes we are capable of being moved by this or that painting, with a drawing or such a film, among others.

The painting

The painting it is the art of graphic representation that uses pigments mixed with other organic or synthetic substances. It uses and requires not only knowledge of painting techniques (oils, watercolors, tempera, frescoes), but also knowledge of color theory (those basic rules regarding color mixing in order to achieve the desired effect by combining colors light or pigment.

The photograph

On your side, the photograph, is the process of capturing images and then storing them in a light-sensitive material medium, which is based on the principle of the camera obscura, with which it is possible to project an image captured from a small hole on a surface, from so that the size of the image will be reduced but the image will be sharpened. To store images, older cameras use sensitive films, whereas these have now become practically obsolete due to the imprint that digital photography using digital memories has achieved.

The impression

While, the impressionIt is a process used for the production of texts and images, the most typical with ink on paper and using a press. Today printing is carried out as a large-scale industrial process and is a fundamental stage in the publishing of books.


And the Cinema or Cinematography, one of the most popular visual arts, it is not that the others are not, but without a doubt the cinema holds a special and considerable participation in the lives of almost all the inhabitants of the planet, it is the technique that consists of projecting photograms in a quickly and in succession to create the impression of movement.

A successful industry chosen by all audiences

In terms of visual art, cinema has achieved what no expression of this type has achieved, which is mass dissemination. Although plastic art achieved a phenomenal diffusion through the centuries and many painters are famous stars, the cinema has multiplied this by a thousand and that is why its industry today moves millions of dollars around the world.

Cinema is the visual art that has the most followers around the world and also the one that has managed to attract all audiences of all ages through its varied proposal, surely in this integrating issue is the secret of its success ...

Those mentioned and described above are considered as classical visual arts, while those that involve three-dimensional objects, such as the architecture and sculpture they are known as plastic arts. And then among the non-traditional we can find the following: the interactive art (contemporary artistic practices in which there is direct participation by the viewer), airwriting (programmed LED device that writes words in the air), calligraphy (art of writing using beautiful signs) and graffiti (painted on urban furniture).

Within this vast and select group we must include, as we have already seen, the classic plastic arts such as drawing, painting, engraving, sculpture, which since certainly remote times, we could say that since man has inhabited this world, they have been developing and evolving in line with mankind, but we must also include in this group more modern expressions of visual art that are closely linked to technology.

Photography, video art, digital art, are some of the visual arts that have gained prominence more recently, and because, as we have already pointed out, the incorporation of technology in expression.

However, we cannot ignore as part of this type of expression that has in view as a special addressee other artistic proposals that precisely capture and move the audience, especially from the visual staging that they propose, such is the case of performance , interactive art, action art and graffiti.

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