
definition of targeting

The word targeting refers the action and result of targeting, meanwhile, targeting implies directing the interest or efforts at hand to a particular center or focus. We have focused on the communication problem and now we are working on its immediate solution.

On the other hand, at the request of the areas, cinematographic and narrative analysis, we can also find the word targeting, which occupies a prominent place.

So, in this sense, targeting will be the information that we obtain from the dramatic material in question through a character. There are different types of targeting ...

External targeting (It occurs when the protagonist knows much more than the spectator himself, the famous enigmas that the spectators perceive and we do not know how they will be solved or that they will imply later, but the protagonist does know; therefore, he only describes what he sees and hears, the conscience of the characters cannot be accessed; it presents both the vision of the subject and the object), internal targeting (The point of view of the narrator is located within the character, who will narrate the events from his own experience; this narrator could be a witness, character or even protagonist, the degree of knowledge turns out to be relative or partial. Within this variant of targeting we find that it can in turn be fixed or multiple, in the first case, it focuses on a single focuser and multiple because the same fact admits several focusers. A clear example of this is the character of a detective) and spectator targeting (Contrary to what the external proposes, the viewer knows much more than the character himself, it is considered the beginning of suspense. For example, the character is about to enter his house and ignores that the living room is waiting for him murderer willing to kill him, the viewer knows it because a camera tour is made to the living room or a narration that warns the viewer of the aforementioned presence).

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