
definition of uprising

An uprising is a riot or rebellion that a group carries out against an authority.

Revelation that a group, social, political, military, concrete against an authority because it does not share its ideology or actions

Normally, and throughout history it has occurred in the army, as a consequence of the opposition of this body to the prevailing government, and after the execution of this action they take power, and also the uprising has been led by social or political groups that for their ideals or for not sharing the government policies they decide to rise up against the ruling authority.

In the social vocabulary, there are different forms of protest whose designation has to do mainly with the specific characteristics of each situation or phenomenon.

Thus, we speak of social uprising as one of the phenomena through which a social group protests and demonstrates its dissatisfaction with something (such as the price of food, a government, a certain social situation, etc.).

The uprising is a momentary uprising, which does not intend very deep changes, as if a revolution could intend it, and which is usually carried out from the use of force since it is born with social discontent in the face of a certain situation, although many uprisings have generated changes in the authorities.

In order to exist, the uprising must have a certain type of organization, albeit minimal, that assumes that several people express their discontent and, agreeing on it, decide to take action to try to generate some change.

Uprisings can be spontaneous but also thoughtful, although in most cases the social organization is not stable enough to foresee very profound changes.

Thus, this type of social movement can disappear immediately after the claims are obtained (for example, that the price of bread falls) or even disarm before complying with them due to the poor organization of those who carried it out.

Throughout history we can find infinite uprisings of greater or lesser degree that always had to do with situations of discontent, discontent or injustice.

The appeal of those who feel they are not heard or respected

Usually, those who carry out an uprising are the sectors of the people that feel most vulnerable and unprotected because of the government policies that are taken and that they believe threaten their well-being.

In some cases, only the peasants carried out uprisings, while in others some sectors a little more powerful such as the bourgeoisie also joined the demands.

However, protests and social uprisings tend to become very chaotic and violent so that sectors with a purchasing power superior to that of the common people (such as the bourgeoisie) and with a little more intellectual or educational possibilities can easily abandon the claim. if you observe that it lost its organization and became radically more virulent than expected.

On the other hand, and outside the current contexts of politics, where uprisings or rebellions mostly take place, we cannot ignore those that usually take place in jails or prisons.

Prison uprisings as a direct consequence of the precarious conditions of detention

It is very common that this type of chaotic situation occurs in prisons and even in police units where inmates are housed when the inmates there feel violated in some right.

The dangerousness that characterizes the prison population and criminals is an addition that makes the uprising even more explosive when it occurs, because of course, many are there for having exercised violence in some way, they are not afraid, and many times they are condemned to life imprisonment, and they have nothing to lose, and that is why they riot and produce reckless actions in prisons.

One of the most common causes of prison uprising is usually the precarious conditions of detention, especially in those places where the prison system functions poorly, corruptly and violently and then, prisoners rebel against this state of affairs and are capable of to produce tremendous pitched battles, through attacks with weapons, fires, among other actions, and in which the balance of victims and wounded is always very important.

Unfortunately, many prisons instead of being spaces that encourage repentance and modify antisocial behavior, end up increasing it to very high levels, they are breeding grounds for more and more crime.

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