
definition of horticulture

Horticulture is the discipline that deals with the cultivation of vegetables or herbaceous plants and that are generally cultivated in orchards for once reached its ideal stage to be able to be consumed raw or being part of a culinary preparation.

The extension of the cultivation of the vegetable is due to the fact that it is a product very rich in nutrients and vitamins and that as such they provide the body with great nutritional value. It should be noted that within vegetables, fruits and cereals are not included.

While, are the orchards, those irrigated land, which are mainly used for growing vegetables. Irrigation turns out to be a fundamental piece in this framework since it is in charge of providing the crop with the water it needs to develop and grow accordingly.

Basically, the horticulture activity is integral because it will be responsible for applying a technique to grow plants in orchards but also for introducing improvements in crops and fertilizers in order to add quality and nutritional value to the harvested plants. Another issue that horticulture should emphasize is the environmental conditions that can directly affect the results obtained. In this sense, genetics are used as an essential resource to develop plants that synthesize molecules that can be opportunely used in the fight against pests and weeds, among other issues.

Meanwhile, the individual who is professionally engaged in this activity is referred to as horticulturist and their training is carried out in a house of studies corresponding to the tertiary level. Meanwhile, the job opportunities of these professionals can be really wide since they can be employed in the public or private sphere and deploy their knowledge in the field in various activities such as: growers who specialize in a specific species, inspect crops, assist as counselor when it comes to crop production, research and also teaching about the subject in an educational institution.

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