
definition of archive

The word file designates the action, activity of saving documents, texts or any other type of information in a file, or failing that, in a filing cabinet.

The act of saving or organizing documents in a filing cabinet or file

Meanwhile, a file can be the organized set of documents received and produced by an individual or an organization, entity, as a consequence of the activity carried out; and on the other hand, the physical or local place in which the indicated documents are stored, processed and protected., also known as a.

The filing cabinet or file is the element par excellence that is used to archive documents or files.

All sensitive information is found in the files, the data is summarized and the document is registered.

Uses in medicine, libraries and academics

Among the places that use these files the most are libraries, medical offices, and on the other hand, students use them a lot at the request of studying the subjects, among others.

They have a rectangular format that fits perfectly with that of the file, which is the one who will contain them in an organized way.

Although the advent of new technologies has caused the content of the cards to be transferred to electronic media, in some contexts they continue to be maintained and are still very useful.

For example, in the case of doctors' offices.

Each patient has a personalized file in which their personal data, contact information, and their physical details are recorded.

In addition, in these files, the doctor, each time the patient visits him, will write down the news of his condition, the result of the medical check-up, the medications that are prescribed, among others.

When the patient attends the medical consultation, the doctor's secretary will prepare the patient's file so that the patient has all the information instantly, that is, the file in this case acts as a kind of medical history.

On the other hand, if the file is used to study, it may include the summarized content of a book or any other bibliographic material that is being used.

It should be noted that the file It is a very widespread element when it comes to organizing documents and that is why individuals use it to sort their papers, such as purchase invoices, utility bills, among others, to public bodies that store them there. all the documents they issue and receive.

Countries normally have an entity known as General Archive of the Nation that conserve numerous collections of texts, documents, works and other audiovisual materials that in many cases began to be collected and gathered there several centuries ago.

Archival, the discipline that deals with the storage process

The archival, also known as archivology, is the discipline that deals especially with addressing the procedures and problems that arise from the storage of documents, with the mission that they can be simply located in the future when necessary.

Historically, this activity has focused on improving storage, conservation and restoration alternatives, while, with the advent of new technologies, it has also focused on developing optional ways to manage and save documents.

Many universities, especially those related to information, communication and history, have this subject in their programs.

That finished or that does not already have relevance

On the other hand, the word archive is used to account for something that is already finished or no longer has the care and treatment that it should. “The complaints we made against the nightclub for annoying noise were filed by the prosecutor.”

This sense is very common at the behest of colloquial language when you want to show that something has been terminated or that it no longer has importance.

And also in the legal field when you want to realize that a case has finished being investigated, for example, due to lack of evidence.

Now, this can be a cause but it can happen that a judicial file is filed at the request of a secret agreement between the magistrate who instructs it, with the accused.

Of course this is absolutely reprehensible from a moral point of view, and illegal, but unfortunately a lot happens in the justice of the world, especially when there are public officials involved in these cases.

Among the most used synonyms for this term we find that of save that just refers to keep, to guard.

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