
definition of spite

Disgust is a feeling that can be produced on a sentimental level. This feeling of resentment towards the other can be experienced in a more intense way in the breakup of a couple, especially when the abandoned person does not accept the decision of the person who has decided to put an end to the relationship. Disgust arises when the person feels that they have to accept a decision that they dislike and that they have not made of their own accord but have been imposed on them.

A sudden change difficult to assimilate and understand

Disgust is the feeling of disenchantment that occurs when reality makes its way before the eyes of the lover who has to accept that his story has taken an unexpected turn. A twist that leaves a bittersweet taste in the lover. When a person experiences the feeling of spite after a couple breakup, they pay more attention to the negative aspects of the lived experience, they feel contaminated at the mental level by resentment, frustration, anger and anger.

The psychological impact of loss

A jilted person is angry with the other and also with reality itself. Sometimes people can also take certain actions to harm the other as a result of that feeling of spite. From this point of view it is important to point out that experiencing this feeling is something very human, however, ethically spite should not be the excuse to carry out certain unjust actions since rationally every human being has the ability to reflect on their actions reflecting on feelings.

Uncontrolled spite can lead to personal obsession and revenge. In both cases, the pain increases even more when the resentment is fed.

Rebuild life

The loss produced after the breakup of a couple produces a notable shock in those who experience spite. They feel enormously frustrated and all their efforts and hopes are linked to the desire to win back their ex.

The jilted is placed in the role of victim in front of who is considered to be guilty of that undeserved pain. Therefore, to overcome spite, it is very important to go beyond the labels of "good" and "bad" to understand that every human being must be happy for himself without falling into dependency.

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