
phenomenon - definition, concept and what it is

If we consult the dictionary we will find that the word phenomenon has different meanings. Thus, a phenomenon is an event of nature, but it can also refer to a philosophical concept or even to a type of strange characters, fairground phenomena. Do not forget, on the other hand, that it is also an adjective and someone with outstanding qualities can be considered a phenomenon.

Phenomena of nature

Through the senses we perceive the changes that occur in nature. Certain changes are known as phenomena of nature, a term that is used to refer to extraordinary situations, such as the northern lights, sandstorms, the rainbow or mammatus clouds. It is not always about atmospheric issues but the term phenomenon can also be used to refer to animal migrations, the well-known walking stones of the deserts or even strange and inexplicable events, paranormal phenomena (paranormal phenomena are difficult to classify since they go beyond normal or rational).

The phenomenon in philosophy

Philosophical reflections on this concept are very diverse. One of the best known is that of the philosopher Inmanuel Kant, who distinguished two fundamental concepts in his theory of knowledge, the phenomenon and the noumenon. We could say that the phenomenon is reality as we perceive it, that is, what is shown to our senses and is captured by human understanding. The idea of ​​phenomenon implies, according to Kant, that there is something that we do not know and that is called noumenon. The noumenon is what goes beyond our limits of knowledge and the phenomenon is everything that is within its limits.

In the old traveling fairs and in some circuses one of the most striking shows was to show some strange human being

These people had something peculiar that made them a rarity and they were known as fairground freaks. Among the most prominent we can mention the elephant man, the bearded woman, the lizard woman, among many others. This type of show is known in Anglo-Saxon culture as a freak show and in Spanish the word phenomenon has become widespread. These types of rare characters have been disappearing from the entertainment world because it is considered that their physical defects should not be exposed for the entertainment of the public.

Understanding the expression "You are a phenomenon"

If someone says "you are a phenomenon" we already know that the person in question does something in a very special way. In some areas of Spain, especially Andalusia, this word is used as a kind and loving way to address friends.

Photos: iStock - Global_Pics / Bee-individual

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