
definition of pleasant

The word nice is a qualifying adjective that we use recurrently in our Spanish language to indicate when something or someone pleases us. Meanwhile, by pleasure, a taste, pleasure and indulgence experienced. Then, that or that which is pleasant will directly cause us pleasure, it will please us and it will give us enormous pleasure.

Pleasant is a word that we usually use in different areas and conversations and it will always involve positive questions, because something or someone that we find pleasant is because they are in tune with our interests, preferences, among others.

As we indicated, the word can be applied to people as well as to things or situations. Thus, we can find that this or that individual is pleasant because they have a good disposition and good humor in social gatherings. When people are characterized by their sympathy and by creating a harmonious climate in the environment in which they are interacting, they are popularly known as pleasant; with a pleasant meeting, because all the assistants collaborated with their fun to generate a festive atmosphere; or with a pleasant climate because it is neither cold nor extremely hot, but rather warm, allowing us to carry out activities without feeling cold or hot.

Meanwhile, pleasant is closely linked with other terms that act as synonyms and vice versa, such as: pleasant, attractive, interesting .... Instead, the terms that directly oppose the term at hand are: unpleasant, unfriendly and annoying, because that or that which is considered unpleasant will dislike and will not produce any kind of liking, sympathy and will be a constant that annoys their way of being or behaving, which normally stands out for being irritable.

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