
definition of judge

Act by which the guilt or not of someone or the commission or not of a crime is deliberated

The concept of judging has an extended use in our language and is used in two senses with extension.

The most widespread use is found within the scope of the right, since there it is not only used to refer to a typical act of this context, but also represents the means that this area has to finally fulfill its purpose, which is none other than to impart justice when appropriate.

Then, For the Law, judging is the act of deliberating, that whoever has the authority to do so, displays, regarding the guilt or not that a person has in a certain question that is judged, or failing that, it also implies deliberating on the reason that assists you in this or that issue and then issue a decision, that is to say, a judgment in the proceeding.

For example, judges, who are those professionals who have the responsibility of imparting justice by deciding what is a crime and what is not, are the most responsible for the act of judging, through their performance in the various courts, they are in charge of judging the different situations that come to their offices in order of course to achieve justice on the issue in question, in dispute.

In simple words, the judge, court or supreme court of justice, decides who is guilty or innocent, or failing that if there is a crime or not at the request of a case that is under trial.

The judge judges in the framework of a trial

It is precisely in the framework of a trial that a competent authority such as the judge deliberates on an issue to finally issue a sentence. To reach his decision, the judge needs to comprehensively address the case, that is, to know the event, its effects, the people involved, the evidence and the witnesses.

At this point, the interventions carried out by the defendant's defense attorneys and the prosecution and complaint will be key. Each of these will have the mission of arguing with evidence and witnesses why the accused is innocent, or failing that, why he is guilty, respectively.

Once the judge evaluates all this content, he will be in a position to issue his sentence, which in that instance will be final, that is, it can be appealed later but after his opinion his decision must be complied with. If the sentenced person finds guilty, he must comply with the foreseen punishment and if he dictates acquittal, the defendant will be free of guilt and charge and will regain his freedom.

Assessment or formation of a judgment or opinion and that will allow a decision to be taken accordingly

On the other hand, the word judge, in current use also has a very widespread use and although it is obviously used in a sense similar to that mentioned above, in this case already the law, the guilt of a crime and justice, formally, They have nothing to do with it.

In this use of the term, judging implies the realization of an assessment or the formation of a judgment or opinion about a fact or a person and that does not have to be strictly in a judicial field.

Also this assessment that is carried out will allow decision-making in some sense. When people have to make decisions or when we have to choose between different options, we must first assess the alternatives. After that analysis we will be able to judge the best one.

On the other hand and in another order of examples, in a first impression, a co-worker does not dislike us, but then over time and knowing him in depth we discover that in reality we are wrong, it is common for us to say, after realizing that we incur an error of appreciation, that in fact we had misjudged it, very hastily.

People tend to fall into the bad judgment of someone, either due to prejudices or a priori assumptions that after knowing the person in question in depth can fall.

Or after trying a product we judge that it does not fulfill the promises that you anticipated from its promotion.

Expression judging by

While and closely related to the term we find the popular expression judging by ... which is used repeatedly when you want to talk about the consequence of a question; "Judging by the evidence, it is clear that Juan was not in the house for the entire weekend."

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