
definition of ingratitude

Ingratitude is the opposite attitude to gratitude, it shows the distant and little considered attitude of a person who does not value the gestures of others or the positive details that someone may have towards him. In this way, a person who is ungrateful easily forgets these details.

An ungrateful person is considered to be someone who, after having received help from someone, soon forgets this help and does not correspond in the same way if the situation is the other way around. An ungrateful person responds indifferently to these kinds of behaviors that the grateful person values ​​so highly.

Gratitude stems from the humility of recognizing that every human being may need help at some point but also must have the same humility to offer this help. On the contrary, ingratitude shows the desire for self-reliance that arises from pride.

Lack of empathy

The person who is ungrateful can be ungrateful even with the closest family and friends, in that case, he lacks enough empathy to put himself in the place of the other. Ingratitude is also shown by emotional dialogue lacking in key terms like thank you, sorry, and please.

An ungrateful person disappoints the other because with his attitude he hurts the good intentions of the one who offered his help at some point. Just as love is a feeling that may or may not be reciprocated, in the same way, gratitude is a feeling that can occur mutually between two people. This is the case, for example, when two friends who feel good together feel grateful that they can count on each other. However, ingratitude shows the lack of correspondence in this sentiment.

There is no correspondence

When ingratitude becomes a way of life, then the person closes in on himself and his situation leads to loneliness and isolation because others move away little by little.

Gratitude is a necessary feeling that helps maintain order in personal relationships. For example, it is a sign of respect that children are grateful for what their parents did with them and have the ability to give the same attention and affection to their parents when they are older and require care.

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