
definition of military hierarchy

The army is a universal institution and has a very specific function: to protect a territory and its inhabitants from possible internal threats and, especially, external ones.

Countries have a number of individuals that make up a military structure. This structure has a hierarchical organization, that is, it is organized from top to bottom. There is a dome of the military who have the supreme command and gradually it descends to the base. Each nation has its own terminology and ordering. However, it is possible to offer a global concept of how the military hierarchy is classified. At the top of the ladder is the captain general, then general, lieutenant general, colonel, captain, lieutenant, noncommissioned officer, sergeant, corporal, and soldier. This classification is not completely complete, since there are also intermediate levels and sublevels between one range and another.

The mechanism by which the military improves in their grade is merit. Through military actions, examinations and demonstrated capabilities it is possible to acquire a higher level. Despite the differences between the armies of each country, they all have the principle of hierarchy. The purpose of it is that the command is held by the person with the most qualities. In this context, the great military leaders have been protagonists of history (Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon ...).

Each level of the hierarchy has attributions and distinctive elements in their uniforms: badges, stars ... In the military world these elements are chevrons. They have a very specific function: to know the command capacity of each soldier. This is important because in the army there is the idea that you have to absolutely respect the orders received by a superior. Military regulations are precise in this regard.

The military hierarchy obeys the idea that an army can only be effective with a strict organization, where each individual knows their functions and with a very clear sense of obedience. For this reason, there is a whole series of symbols, traditions and behaviors that go along with respecting the orders and to whom they are given.

If there were no military hierarchy, it would be very difficult to organize a defensive or offensive action. In the civil sphere, the debate among its members makes sense, but in the face of the danger of an invading troop, it would be very risky for the members of the army to start a discussion about what each one has to do.

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