
definition of assistance

The term attendance is used regularly to refer to various issues that have little to do with each other, the attendance that was present in a certain place or act, to describe the help, relief and favor that a person, institution or company provides to another person, society or community or in the sports field, especially in those sports that are practiced and they assume a team, such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, among others, to refer to the almost exact pass from one player to another and that almost always due to this question of accuracy ends up meaning the point or the goal for the team.

In this last case that we mentioned, that of sport, for example, in basketball or basketball, only the pass before the ball is introduced into the net will be counted as assistance, however, in hockey, there may be a few assists before the goal is scored. Generally, the assists in basketball are received after a block or in the call of two defenders against the player who shows very good technique and efficiency in his favor to score goals and who by causing this situation leaves the way for another teammate. to make effective the team's goal. In the particular case of football, it is known as assistance to pass the ball that is offered prior to the conversion of a goal; It is described that there are highly skilled footballers who become excellent assistants, although in themselves they tend to convert relatively few goals from their own factory.

On the other hand, and because of what we explained in the first paragraph, assistance can be a service that one person provides to another. Within this we can include what is known as traveler assistance and medical assistance. In the first case, the assistance will be exercised by a team of professionals who work 24 hours a day, for in most cases, insurers or companies that offer the assistance management service, whose main function will be to solve any type of problem or contingency that arises during a trip. Among the most frequent responses or services that these tend to provide are: emergency medical expenses, legal assistance, funeral and health repatriation, and luggage location.

Meanwhile, the Medical or health care deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of any disease or condition through the care of a doctor or, failing that, a nurse. But this not only covers the medical assistance itself and that can be found thanks to the visit of an emergency room or medical office, but also includes vaccination campaigns or against some special disease, which is often promoted by the State and that can have a hospital as their epicenter or directly be taken to remote villages on planet Earth to make them known. The organisms most directed towards this form of attendance They are the World Health Organization and Doctors without Borders.

In the same way, the impoverishment of numerous societies and peoples has motivated the healthcare it is usually accompanied by other aspects of a social nature; Thus, there are numerous non-governmental organizations that are in charge of comprehensive assistance programs, in which, in addition to the health of those assisted, other benefits are sought such as those related to the provision of clothing, food and even shelter to individuals without home. In the same sense, assistance to populations displaced by internal or international armed conflicts is another area where multiple international organizations or social organizations try to solve, at least in part, the basic needs of those affected.

Finally, with the traditional concept of attendance it is conceived in the presence of students or workers in their place of action. In many cases, perfect attendance is rewarded with financial compensation or formal recognition, as a symbol of compliance and effectiveness in the educational or work activities that have been assigned to that student or worker.

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