
definition of music therapy

The Music therapy is he use of music and musical elements, such as rhythm, sound, melody and harmony, performed by a qualified music therapist, for therapeutic purposes, to attend to the physical, social and cognitive needs of a patient, to rehabilitate who needs it for any condition, but also has a preventive purpose to help increase or restore someone's mental or physical health.

Use of music for therapeutic purposes, to treat or prevent pathologies, and thus improve the quality of life

Its objectives are, among others, to facilitate, promote, communication, learning, expression, movement, in its patients to improve their general well-being and of course, if appropriate, improve their health situation..

That is, Music Therapy will develop unknown potentialities or, failing that, will restore those lost or forgotten so that the individual in question can achieve a better and optimal integration both internally and interpersonally and that this leads to a better quality of life for himself. .

Linked to medicine and creativity

Clearly it is a discipline closely linked to medicine, but it is also closely linked to the humanistic aspect and to creativity because its purpose is to influence and act on emotions, values ​​and the creativity of the recipients.

For this reason, many like to talk about creative therapy and it is included within other similar activities such as dance therapy, which of course uses dance, or art therapy, which, as its name anticipates, uses the therapeutic development of art in any of its various manifestations.

Music therapy not only uses music to listen and enjoy it, but also uses its fundamental components such as melody, lyrics, harmony and rhythm to approach its patients. Also bodies, silences and other resources are taken into account. The idea is always to adapt to the needs of patients and therefore requires a wide range of proposals and elements in their favor.

Fantastic extension of its use

Music therapy as an ally of health when it comes to recovering patients with mental disorders or diseases of the most diverse, currently boasts a really significant extension, almost all the countries of the world have made use of it and also have a career of degree that spreads it teaching it.

Music therapist training and main activities carried out

The music therapist, as designated who carries out the work of Music Therapy in a professional way, is professionally trained both in regard to musical knowledge as well as in regard to the therapeutic context, that is, in matters inherent to medicine that can not ignore in any way to perform their work in accordance.

Through different musical activities that will involve the use of musical instruments, edited music, body sounds, voice, recordingsAmong other tools, the music therapist will evaluate the situation of his patient as well as his evolution for the subsequent discharge.

Among these aspects we can highlight physical health, emotional well-being, social interaction, expressive skills and cognitive ability, which will be evaluated by the music therapist through procedures that mix musical issues, psychological and clinical issues, such as: musical improvisation, song creation, vocal technique, therapeutic technique, among other alternatives.

Although many believe that Music Therapy is a relatively new issue, in reality, it is a discipline that, although not with that name, which would come centuries and centuries later, has been used since the time of the Egyptians; some documents and materials of the time dating from fifteen hundred years before Christ, already gave account of the concrete possibility of using music as a therapy for the mind and soul.

The positive influence of music

It is absolutely proven through different tests that music facilitates the development and preservation of human relationships and also contributes to the adaptation of the individual to his environment. It also stimulates the senses, mind and motor processes.

No one can deny that sometime in his life, in that sad or melancholic moment that went through him, he did not use music, that music that he likes, to feel better, like a kind of balm, and finally achieved the desired goal to feel better while listening to that music.

Music is closely linked with our emotions and feelings, there are even moments in our lives that are linked to this or that song, or a musical group or singer, and for example, as we said above, in times of emotional downturn or from the need to remember those happy moments again, we get closer to those “music”.

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