
office definition

A consulting room it's a physical space in which a doctor or several associated doctors treat their patients.

Place in which a doctor or several doctors attend to their patients, the consultation being outpatient

Clinics can usually be established in apartments, houses, or be part of a health care center.

Special conditioning

The clinics that are integrated into a healthcare center or hospital consist of rooms that are specially equipped to carry out the aforementioned task.

They have a desk in which the doctor interviews his patient, that is, they talk about the reasons for the consultation.

Based on these comments, the doctor can recommend certain actions, refer you to another specialist, issue orders to undergo some practice, among other issues.

It is also common for the office to have a table on which the doctor can perform a routine check-up, such as measuring your blood pressure, taking your pulse, feeling any part of your body, among other actions.

Meanwhile, in the case of those offices that are not part of a hospital, in addition to this room in which the doctor interviews his patient, there is, once the entrance has passed, a waiting room in which the patient announces himself to a secretary or assistant to the doctor and after the announcement he must wait seated for the doctor to make him enter his office.

The doctor's secretary and her fundamental role in the office

Although the doctor is the protagonist par excellence of the office, since he is going to see patients for a consultation or to treat a condition, there is another fundamental person within the office and on whom the organization and operation depends on. general of said place: the secretary or assistant of the doctor.

Their role is key and indispensable; It is usually the first contact that the patient or any other person who visits the doctor's office has, and for example, they must be prepared to carry out the tasks and activities that are carried out there, in a professional and compliant manner.

Preparation and functions

It is important to note that the people who attend the office do so for a strict health issue, always, and therefore it is essential that the secretary has good treatment and knowledge.

The secretaries of a practice usually have several functions, from administrative, to financial and human.

He opens the door to people and welcomes them, answers the phone to take turns to the patients who call, clarifies doubts, organizes the agenda of the doctor or doctors who attend the office, takes the files of each patient and it updates them, serves suppliers, among the main ones.

The task of updating patient data is essential because it not only contains details of health, medication and prescribed treatments but also the contact information of the patient.

In addition to the patients, the secretaries serve the medical representatives who are those professionals who visit the doctors in their offices and offer them samples of the remedies sold by the firm for which they work.

Medical representatives often leave samples for free and the secretary takes care of organizing and ordering them.

As can be seen, it is a work of constant contact with people, for which it is essential that the secretaries have a cordial and affectionate treatment, we must not forget that they deal with people who are sick and that this undoubtedly makes them more vulnerable .

Section in the media in which questions or inquiries from the public are answered

On the other hand, the word consulting room has another extended reference in colloquial language that derives from its original meaning ...

To section that normally takes place in the mass media, such as newspapers, television programs, radio or the internet, which is especially dedicated to answering the queries or doubts of listeners, viewers, Internet users, on a subject in particular, it is popularly known as the consulting room.

Thus, a section of a television program in which a professional sexologist answers those questions that viewers send through the various communication channels available to the program will be called sexological office of doctor tal.

There are also love offices, pet issues, among others.

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