
definition of chronology

Chronology is understood to be the science or system that allows to organize in an orderly and successive manner the historical events according to these have been happening. The chronology (from the Greek chronos 'time' and logos 'study') is nothing more than the study of time as it passes and that is why chronology becomes of special importance for other sciences, such as history, which resort to the ordering of data and dates permanently.

So, the chronology is an assistant to history, forming part of it to precisely identify the temporal order in which historical events occurred.

More accessible understanding of historical events and having a record of the order in which they take place

As an ordering system, it is clear that chronology is a human-made device to gain a more accessible understanding of historical events and to keep track of the order in which they occur. If it is taken into account that the dates and the forms of dating used by the human being are also artificial creations of him, then the chronology will be nothing more than a repetition of the information in an orderly and organized way.

Uses number and dating systems

The chronology is based on the idea that all the facts are related to each other and therefore it is of vital importance to order them to understand them better. For this, the chronology resorts to various numerical and dating systems that seek to place the oldest events first and the most recent events last, in order to follow a constructive linearity. For the chronology, it is therefore of vital importance to have a dating system such as the time lines in which the events are placed in an orderly and hierarchical way according to the moment in which they have occurred; In the first place, the events that occurred first in time will appear, followed by those that occur.

Recurrence to timelines

The chronology can show the temporal evolution of different cultures at the same time, for which shared time lines are used. The divisions within a time line can be greater or less, being normal that the periods before the birth of Christ (year 0) are greater than those after the existence of more data and information on the latter.

Those events that occurred before the birth of Jesus Christ are indicated as follows A.C. (Before Christ), while those that followed later as D.C. (After Christ).

Those non-historical events that are told in chronological order

Also the concept of chronology is widely used in our language to designate those non-historical events that are told following a chronological order; events, data that is ordered from the date on which they occurred. And we must emphasize that many other areas of knowledge make use of chronology to order the events that occur in them, that is, its use is not only reduced to history.

Many times, there are topics of public interest whose focus remains in time, which precisely demand the realization of a chronology so that the public can understand them, and why not also remember them if they left the scene for some time.

Let's think about those cases that have a tremendous impact on public opinion and that are therefore followed minute by minute by the mass media, and that suddenly, after leaving the scene for a while because they lose interest or because there is no news in the case , something happens that refloats them and puts them back in the center of attention. The various means to remember the events usually present chronicles that make a chronology of the events that occurred.

On the other hand, the end of the year, decade, millennium or a cycle usually motivate the realization of chronologies about that year, decade, millennium or cycle, selecting the most relevant events that occurred and presenting them in chronological order, that is, the one that happened in June will be placed before the one that happened in September.

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