
definition of multilingualism

Several languages ​​coexist in the same area

The term Multilingualism refers to that phenomenon caused by the use of several languages ​​in a given context, that is, several languages ​​coexist in the same area and at the same level.. A person or a community can be multilingual, being able to express themselves through more than one language.

London, a faithful exponent of multilingualism

For example, the United Kingdom is one of the many countries that presents this issue among its fundamental characteristics, since its constitution is written in the Latin language, therefore, the official language that is spoken and taught there is English, but also as As a result of the large influx of immigration it receives, especially in the nerve centers of its geography such as the cosmopolitan city of London, other languages ​​are also spoken such as Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, among others. So, we find ourselves with a geographical place that is capable of containing many languages, different forms of expression, precisely because it houses people who come from different parts of the world within its limits.

Enrich communities

Undoubtedly, multilingualism enriches a community because it makes it open and not closed in on itself and around its uses and customs.

Meanwhile, it could also be said that in this instance, with the incredible and fabulous globalization that makes it possible for people to be living today on one continent and tomorrow in another, multilingualism turns out to be an important and evident issue in various parts of the world and that it must also be taken into account as a project, as a consequence of these population movements that exist. Because languages, although they are a reflection of the diversity of cultures and identities, are also those that allow us to understand each other, therefore, promoting multilingualism in current world conditions would really be a political success.

People who speak and understand different languages, in addition to their own, it is proven that not only will they have better job opportunities, but they will also integrate better in the societies they are passing through, if tomorrow life places them in the situation of having to live in another country.

Necessary collaboration of the state

But of course, any action in this sense demands a collaboration from the state, which encourages its inhabitants to learn languages ​​other than the original one, and what is legally clear is to make it effective.

This clearly inclusive stance will open doors to other parts of the world for its citizens when necessary.

Now, we must say that this is not easy to install because many times there is no political decision to do it because it is believed that in this way the uses and customs themselves would be devalued and the community could be bothered.

Of course, none of this is the case if it is clear who one is and the national being is respected, in any case, there are many nations that even today do not dare to take the big step in this regard.

Other languages ​​gain ground over English

For a few decades now, if one lives in a Spanish-speaking country, at school, English was taught as a foreign language, because it is considered the language of international discourse par excellence. Of course, that relevance was not lost by any means, but we must say that in recent years, as a result of other nations taking off enormously in terms of opportunities, they have begun to study other languages ​​such as Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, French and Portuguese.

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