
definition of creativity

Creativity, a typically human faculty

There are many capacities and faculties that human beings have at our disposal for the mere fact of belonging to this highly evolved species compared to the rest: to think, speak and create, of course also. All these capacities are available to all humans without exceptions, although, in the case that concerns us, creation, some may have it developed in some aspect and others in others diametrically opposed.

Creativity, also known as inventiveness, original thinking, constructive imagination, creative thinking, among other ways, is simply the human ability to create and as such will allow us to generate new ideas, concepts or new associations between ideas and concepts already known and that are oriented to produce original solutions. Creativity can lead to the creation of anything new, the finding of original solutions, or the modification or transformation of the world..

The creativity process will consist of finding the most satisfactory methods or objects to carry out those tasks that allow the realization of new and different ways or things, with ingenuity being the main source of inspiration to carry them out.

That is to say, creativity delves into procedures and tools to carry out tasks in an alternative to the classical way and does so successfully, of course, achieving a different and positive result in this regard.

Put in more popular and simple words, creativity serves especially to make life simpler, since through the inventiveness that this implies and implies, it allows us to find alternative methods to perform actions, tasks quickly and with assured success.

What's more, Creativity is usually an excellent tool when it comes to having to fulfill or satisfy desires, since it will allow us to do it quickly, effectively, economically, without the need to embark on large companies or feats to achieve what we want or desire.

How and why creativity exists

Science from various disciplines and branches has been interested in studying and investigating the how and why of creativity. From a strictly technical point of view, creativity is understood as a process, as one more characteristic of people's personality or as a product.

For example, at the behest of psychology, creativity is an activity that is contained by the imagination, which basically consists of doing something new or the same but in a different way and that is how it explains it.

On the other hand, for sociology, creativity will emerge when three variables are present: the field, represented in social groups, the domain, which will be the discipline or area in question, and the individual. So, sociology maintains that a person performs transformations in a given domain, which, later, will be evaluated at the behest of the various social groups.

The truth is that creativity as well as other capacities of the human being implies for its realization different combined mental processes that still remain hidden from science in general, that is, they have not yet been determined but it is believed that they exist and are directly responsible of it. Meanwhile, as we have already pointed out, creativity has its point of origin in the person's imagination and although there is a lack of knowledge regarding the processes that intervene in the generation of ordinary and creative thought, it is possible that each is determined with the result, that is, when the consequence is a most creative act.

The characteristics of the creative person

Although with regard to creativity it is difficult to generalize because obviously it is such a subjective and particular issue for each one, some of the most common characteristics that are usually observed in those more creative people or personalities can be given: self-confidence, courage, flexibility, high capacity for association, intuitive capacity, fine perception, imagination, critical capacity, intellectual concerns, affective characteristics of feeling loved and appreciated, ease, freedom, enthusiasm, tenacity and depth.

Now, beware that this does not imply that someone does not have any of these conditions cannot be creative, much less, but they are characteristics that have been repeatedly observed in people with full creativity.

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