
definition of religious experience

The human being is a being who has experience of the world since he lives in it and as such is related to the environment. In other words, the experience shows the capacity that the person has to experience, ultimately, to live. However, the type of experience may be different depending on its own object.

Divine sensations that one develops and perceives

The experiences that are linked to divinity are called religious experience in which the subject establishes a relationship with a spiritual reality. Religious ecstasy can show a religious experience. Similarly, conversion to a particular religion also shows another inner experience that is intimate and non-transferable.

Approach to God

It is a very deep experience but also very complex since the human being can feel overwhelmed by an experience that has difficulties to express with words, taking into account that language is limited.

The religious experience is an intimate experience of God, an approach to the divine essence that marks a turning point in one's personal life.

It is not necessary to think of an extraordinary event to be able to speak of a religious experience. A person who has faith in God in his day to day can have an experience of the presence of God in his life. The religious experience is a very intimate experience. It may happen that one person shares their experiences with another who reacts with some skepticism. This experience is not externally observable.

The search for transcendence

From a more general point of view, the attitude of the human being who seeks the value of transcendence in his life can also receive the name of religious experience. A search for spirituality that starts from the ability of the human being to ask questions related to life, death and the existence of a higher being.

A search for the true that brings a concrete meaning to existence. This search is closely linked to silence since many spaces for prayer and worship are contextualized in an area of ​​silence to mark distance from the noise of the world. This fact is clearly shown in meditation that allows introspection and the search for truth.

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