
definition of grow

The word growing up is the term we use most frequently when we want to account for the increase of something or someone in variable matters such as size, quantity or importance.

It should be noted that this sense of the word is usually used when we want to refer to the development achieved by something or someone. In the case of individuals, the word grow is frequently used when expressing the progress in size and behavior that a child experiences. Your son does not stop growing, I saw him just two weeks ago and today he is huge.

The increase, as the process by which an individual grows is called, it will involve a progression in the increase in body size that will not stop until reaching the final shape and size in adulthood in which growth ends.

Basically, this issue is biologically possible thanks to the proliferation of cells and the consequent assimilation in the body of the nutrients that enter our body as a result of food. Without adequate nutrition, growth will be difficult or null and will obviously cause serious health problems for the individual.

On the other hand, at the request of practical activities such as hand knitting with two needles, the word grow is used to indicate when it is necessary add a point to knitting work that is taking place. Normally the points are added or grown with the mission of increasing the size of the garment in certain areas of the body where it is necessary to do so so that it adapts perfectly to the size in question.

And the other use we give to the word in colloquial language is to refer to the acquisition by someone of authority, importance or security, among other characteristics, in relation to some matter or situation. Fortunately, my momentum grows when it is necessary to fight some injustice..

The concept that is opposed to that of growing is that of diminish, which supposes the opposite, a decrease in the increase of the size, the importance or the quantity of something or someone.

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