
definition of hindsight

The human being lives in time. At the level of existence, it lives in Present, that is to say, there is no more reality than now. However, from a mental point of view, a person can analyze what has happened through memory and bring moments of yesterday to the present through memory. It is very positive to live centered in the present but it is also important to pause at a certain moment to take stock.

Times to stop and analyze

There are stages in which it is especially common to take stock, for example, at the end of the year. A moment in which the person performs a retrospective, that is, it lists the most important moments that have occurred throughout the year. This retrospective can be applied to a specific context, for example, work, personal or family.

Retrospective linked with the couple and the family

It is very positive to do this retrospective also about the couple's relationship to take stock of the path traveled in common and to give value to happy moments. That is, it is possible to make a retrospective of all the good that has been shared in common. Today's society is marked by haste, however, it is very important to find time to think and pause in order to put reality in perspective and become aware of what is truly important.

Retrospective in the media

On a journalistic level, there is also a retrospective in the newscasts at the end of the year, at which time, as a summary, a review is made of the most important political, social and economic events that have occurred throughout the year just when a cycle closes and another stage begins in the calendar. In the same way, it is also possible to carry out a retrospective of the professional career of an artist with the aim of presenting his most remembered successes.

From a cognitive point of view

From a cognitive point of view, a retrospective It is a recapitulation that allows ordering and classifying different elements with an internal coherence. It is important to analyze the path traveled because that path is the one that brings added value to the present.

The people who really reflect on their experiences are the ones who draw great vital lessons from their own living. There is an easy way to do a retrospective. For example, write in a journal the experiences and frequent thoughts of the day to day.

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