
definition of corporate image

The image is the representation, the figure of something or someone, while, by corporate, it will be called everything inherent or typical of a public or private organization, which has various purposes, being in the private case the commercialization of products and services the most common.

Qualities, values, that the market and consumers are formed of a brand and that are vital when it comes to their choice and commercial success

And for its part the corporate image turns out to be the set of qualities that consumers and the market in general attribute to a certain company, that is to say, is what the company means to society, how it is perceived.

This question is certainly important for any company or organization because it is what allows the public, public opinion and the market to have a mental image of who it is.

If a company does not have a corresponding and recognized corporate image, it will hardly be successful, because of course, it will fail to generate a quick and effective mental identification, which is what is basically proposed with its creation.

We must say that with regard to this is that the corporate image is linked especially to the quality standard, values ​​that must be defended once they are proposed, commitments that are assumed with consumers or the community in general, among others.

Of course, a corporate image is not built from one day to the next, but rather requires the work of seasoned professionals and time to produce the aforementioned identification with those maxims that the organization in question wants to represent.

Creation of the corporate image, details

The creation of the corporate image is generally in charge of those responsible for the Public Relations area, who to build it will mainly use communication campaigns in different media, the traditional ones: written press, television, radio, plus those that have brought the new ones. technologies such as Internet, social networks, among others.

Of course, that image to be created, especially directed towards perception, must be extremely attractive for the public to register and feel interested in it.

Meanwhile, the corporate image must always be created based on the positioning of the product or service of the company in question, since any alteration or difference in this aspect will definitely mark a confusion in the public and therefore the profitability of the same will certainly be affected. The corporate name, logo, and image must match and be credible to ensure success.

On the other hand, a good reputation in the area of ​​corporate social responsibility will also be of great help in successfully positioning the company, because consumers tend to be especially attracted to those companies that they know have assumed a social responsibility towards the company. society to which they belong, dealing with solving some of their problems.

Elements that compose it

It should be noted that a corporate image may be made up of one or more elements, which agree to give the company a solid image, including: isotype (the most easily recognizable iconic part of a brand's design), monogram (symbol consisting of interlocking letters and figures), Logo (graphic element, usually linguistic, that identifies a person or company), name slogan (identifying phrase in a business or political context), emblem (image with enigma accompanied by a legend or phrase), pictogram (sign that represents a symbol, object or figure).

Corporate images mostly pursue the association of the brand with a certain value or commitment, because they are facts that tend to remain etched in the mind of the potential consumer.

In other words, the brand seeks for the company to be recognized and valued in the market and by its consumers for that commitment and value that it proposes, beyond the benefits that the product or service it markets may offer, which are important, but more so. They are those maxims that he advocates, they penetrate deeper into people, and make the identification immediate and therefore lean towards that product, because it represents their ideals.

And the corporate image has a special association with the brand because with it, people from different cultures and who live in different situations can identify with a product and attribute a value to it. Then, these individuals can consider the product of quality because of that association previously made.

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