
definition of animal

It is designated by the term of animal to all those living beings that feel and move by their own impulse, but who differ from human beings simply because of the lack of reason.

Most animals have senses such as smell, sight and hearing at a higher level of development than human beings, however, they differ from it due to their inability to reason and because basically as a consequence of this situation, they are moved by a highly instinctive behavior.

Since the world began to flourish, animals have populated the planet earth and have been not only a tool and a means for man, but also in most cases they have also been an invaluable company for him..

General aspects of the Animal Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom is divided into vertebrates and invertebrates. The former are arranged in five groups: fish, mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Invertebrate animals are very numerous and constitute the oldest type of species on the planet (marine corals, snails or insects are examples of living beings integrated in this group).

According to their diet, animals are classified into three large groups: herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. The former feed exclusively on plants, such as koalas, iguanas or cows. Carnivores eat meat obtained from other animals and the wolf, tiger or lion are three examples of this group. Omnivores can eat both animals and vegetables and the ostrich, the bear or the human being himself are within this classification.

In the classification of any animal there is a hierarchical structure. Thus, first the type or phylum is established, then its class and then the order, the family, the genus and the species. If we apply this criterion to the human being, we are chordates, mammals, primates, of the hominid family, of the genus Homo and of the species Homo sapiens.

Relationships with respect to man

Although man is also an animal species, traditionally humans have considered ourselves different from other species. The relationships that we have had and have with them are very diverse. In the family environment, pets become one more member of the family. Some species serve us as food, others are unfortunately used for research and in some cases animals are integrated into shows of all kinds.

The animal world is integrated into our everyday communication. Thus, we say that someone has lynx eyesight, is slower than a snail, is a lapdog, or is more stubborn than a mule. In this way, the attributes of animals allow us to explain all kinds of ideas and feelings.

From necessity to hunting and animal slavery to the absurd pride of man to demonstrate his strength

Because as the history of man tells us and -why not- that of some animals too, primitively and even today too, a significant number of animals have been and are the main means that man has to feed himself, both he and his family and although of course in ancient times it was the same head of a tribe or family who had to go to capture the animal by himself, using a spear alone, and today there are others who do that cruel and hard work for him, since always the animal has been one of the main foods of men.

Likewise, as they have served as bread, animals have also known how to be at the disposal of men when transporting people or loads. Horses, mules, camels are some of the animals that once helped man for this purpose.

Social movements in favor of animals

Like humans, most animals suffer if they are attacked. On the other hand, some human behaviors with respect to the Animal Kingdom are valued as inhuman and unjust. Due to all this, in recent years a social movement oriented to the defense of animal rights has emerged. For some, the abuses they suffer are as undesirable as slavery or any other form of oppression.

Defending these defenseless creatures has become one of the greatest struggles in the world, being that there are innumerable scenarios of abuse, and unjustified killing, exposing the worst face of the human being.

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