
definition of prudence

The Prudence is the quality, the virtue that some people have that will lead them to act and conduct themselves in life with extreme caution and reflection, thus avoiding the unleashing of possible damages or negative consequences due to an anticipated and untimely act.

Juan drives so carefully that he has never crashed.”

Virtue that leads a person to act and speak in a thoughtful and cautious way

This reflective and cautious way that we mentioned can be observed both in someone's actions and in speaking, for example, when someone demonstrates in this way it will be said that they speak and act prudently and they will be called prudent.

Analyze the possibilities and take some time before acting

Prudence always means stopping to analyze what is happening, the alternatives available to a crucial choice, and therefore allowing yourself to calmly evaluate the effects before making a decision.

In other words, prudence means taking a conscious look at all the options, taking the time to choose the best one and then just taking action.

Reading the characteristics of prudence is of course simpler and simpler than putting them into practice, that is why it is a difficult quality to have, because it involves a conscious and prior work, always taking and taking the time to think before speak or act.

And as we know, today's life, so wrapped up in a frenzy, many times, prevents us from acting thoughtfully.

Mastering impulses is undoubtedly a difficult job to do, but it is the path that leads to prudence.

Meanwhile, the concept of prudence is related to different values ​​and qualities such as restraint, temperance, caution, restraint, especially at the behest of interpersonal communication of momentous events or bad news.

Whoever is prudent will act in a fair and adequate manner and will never violate respect for the feelings of the other and the lives of others.

Because he will think before saying something or doing something that hurts someone.

Religion: one of the cardinal virtues

Within Catholic doctrine, prudence holds a prominent place since it is about one of the four cardinal virtues (justice, temperance, prudence and fortitude), which in turn acts as a guide for them.

Catholicism teaches that prudence will allow us to discern between good and evil and that it will also help to choose the appropriate and conducive means to achieve good.

The recklessness, the other side

The counterpart is found in recklessness, the reckless person, as a consequence of his hasty and unreasonable actions, is likely to put his own life at risk, and what is even worse, seriously endanger that of a greater number of people. persons.

Recklessness consists in the absence of caution when moving in life.

It involves consciously or unconsciously forgetting something that is advised so as not to carry out a reckless act.

If the bad intention of the person mediates, then, the action may be considered a plausible crime if punishable by current law, because there has been a clear intention to carry out an action devoid of prudence.

Now, we must emphasize that reckless acts are usually the result of carelessness rather than bad faith of someone.

Examples of recklessness are those who drive their cars without respecting traffic signals, those who make an inappropriate use of firearms, for example, to celebrate the triumph of their soccer team, they shoot into the air, such a shot can fall on someone's person and cause his death, who spends all the money of a prize and does not pay his debts, among others.

In the exercise of a profession, recklessness implies omitting certain precautions that are considered habitual and obligatory and that are part of the good work of the task that is carried out.

Meanwhile, recklessness is punishable in the field of law and a punishment or penalty is reserved for them according to the act committed.

Egyptian culture was able to represent prudence from the drawing of a three-headed serpent, dog, lion and wolf, because judging by what tradition says, for the Egyptians the prudent individual had to have the cunning of the serpent , the strength of the lion, the agility of the wolf and the patience that the dog has.

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