
definition of parchment

Parchment is one of the oldest supports used by man to write or make different types of inscriptions, leave messages and express himself in writing. Formerly, the parchment was one of the most used elements for writing when the paper had not yet been discovered. It is basically the skin of some animal stretched and taut so as to become completely smooth and thus allow smooth and comfortable writing.

To obtain the final product known as parchment, it is necessary to resort to a process of skinning, removing the hair and marinating. At the same time, the skin had to be cleaned with somewhat corrosive instruments to make it as smooth and soft as possible before being stretched. Normally, the scrolls were kept stretched and stretched on racks for a specified time so that they would remain that way once released. The scrolls could be used loose or be knotted and tied to form groups of several of them.

Throughout all ancient history, especially in the Middle East and later in Rome, the parchment would be the most used means to proceed to writing. It was cheap and easily accessible since the animals that were raised in the place were used, being able to use any type of skin (as long as it went through the aforementioned manufacturing process).

Scrolls, like other materials used before printing, were useful for making all kinds of manuscripts, being able to write on them as well as make engravings, drawings and other decorations. With the invention of the modern printing press, parchment would fall into disuse, although it was already in decline when paper appeared, a much finer and more delicate material.

One of the problems with using parchment is that it could be seriously affected by temperature or weather as it is not covered with dye (as leather is). In addition, it was not waterproof so the information poured into it could easily be lost. However, one of its benefits is that, with proper technique, it could be rewritten above previous information, so it could be used and reused over and over again.

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