
definition of determine

The word 'determine' is a verb that is used to indicate the action of establishing a type of data or information, as well as to fix or make clear the elements of a situation, thing or event. The action of determining always implies a decision-making that results in a resolution that must be taken into account from the moment. This resolution can be known as a determination, and this word can be found in many different settings.

To determine something is to make it clear, to put the terms that will describe and delimit it. Thus, when determining something, for example that the sky is blue under certain conditions, it is established that the sky cannot be of another color under the same conditions. Making a determination is, therefore, making a decision about something or someone.

The notion of determining can be applied to many spaces and areas of everyday life. In a sense, determining the characteristics of an event is one of the main tasks of science. It, through the appropriate use of techniques, hypotheses and resources, determines the causes and consequences of phenomena that are useful to the human being. At the same time, making a determination in the field of justice means solving a case that is still unresolved.

The determinations still do not need to be that high. Any type of decision that one can make acts as a determination since, from them, the relevant characteristics of a situation are established and settled. An example of this can be when a person determines that they want to dye their hair blonde because they consider it the best decision based on their skin color or personal taste. While this is a determination that one does not normally stop to think about, there are many others that may require much more time and meditation.

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