
definition of weakness

The word soft spot We usually use it in our language with various senses.

Lack of physical or mental vigor

One of the most widespread, without a doubt, is the one that expresses the absence of physical vigor in someone, either because they are tired or because they are suffering from some condition that implies weakness as one of their symptoms.

The meaning implies the absence of strength, whether physical or mental.

Specifically, we will speak of physical weakness when the individual does not have enough strength or energy to carry out a certain activity that precisely demands the use of force at some level.

This situation may be the consequence of a tiny body structure that makes it impossible to carry out tasks that require strength or weight mobilization, because the person is recovering from a condition, due to some specific physical limitation due to an accident or illness, or due to stress, a condition that usually leads to fatigued states.

Fatigue and tiredness that prevents you from acting normally

When we are fatigued or weak we will feel extreme physical or mental fatigue, which will prevent us from carrying out any activity or thought.

The energies are depleted in this state and only physical rest and relaxation can restore the spirit and physical strength to the person.

Many times, as we pointed out, there may be a disease that triggers this state such as: diabetes, anemia, anorexia, depression or hypothyroidism, while there are also medications that generate weakness such as: psychotropic drugs, antihistamines, among others .

But weakness cannot be limited to the body alone, it is also common to speak of weakness of mind or spirit, for example, a person can be possessed of enormous strength that allows them to move objects and very heavy things but at the same time be weak on the mental plane, that is, when faced with a difficulty or obstacle in life, he cries, surrenders and does not fight to overcome.

In our culture, weakness is valued negatively, and the opposite happens with strength, which has a hyper-positive assessment.

There are circumstantially weak people and others who are already weak, that is, they have a disposition that makes them weak.

Among the most common synonyms for that word are those of frailty and exhaustion and the word that opposes is that of strength, which precisely refers to the vigor and strength that someone has.

Characteristic of someone's personality that marks their low resolution and decision

Also, weakness can be a intrinsic characteristic of someone's personality, that is, when someone presents poor resolution and energy in character, behavior, or actions, they will talk about their weakness.

Laura's weak character makes her unable to fight the abuse she suffers at work from her boss.”

On the other hand, it may happen that someone, by x circumstance, falls into the commission of an action that denotes a lack of character, even if the person is not characterized by it.

Since she is pregnant, Maria shows a weakness with people unusual in her.”

Inclination for something or someone

Another widespread use of the term in ordinary language allows to express the weak point, weakness or super special inclination that a person presents towards something or someone.

Sweets are my weakness. Juan is his aunt's weakness. “

It should be noted that in the last case of the special inclination that is felt towards something or someone, the most common synonym is that of affection.

The person who presents with the aforementioned characteristics of fragility, lack of vigor and strength is popularly called as weak.

Precisely, the weak person will perform in his activities with very little energy, or in the strictly psychological aspect, he will be extremely easy to manipulate.

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