
definition of counting

The term count is a verb that means to list different elements in an orderly and increasing way. It can also be used in another sense, when referring to the action of telling a story, telling a story. Counting always supposes the expression of certain information that has been properly organized in order to make it more accessible and understandable to the public that receives it.

One of the principles of counting or the act of counting (understood as the enumeration of elements or symbols) is that of dividing the total information into sub-elements that will be classified according to their size, importance, chronology, etc. . This act of counting is especially linked to the mathematical science that organizes and orders its cardinal information through numbers that can be increasing or decreasing. When it is understood in this sense, the action of counting is always seen as one of the first approaches that human beings have to mathematical science, an activity that is always carried out from the use of colors, toys and different elements that make it easier the child's mental abstraction.

However, the term 'telling' also refers to the action of telling a story, and here mathematical science has nothing to do with it. In this case, we are talking about the action of telling a story, a legend, a tale or an event. Counting is here also an act of expression but instead of the information being encoded in numbers or mathematical symbols, words, literary forms, forms of expression, exclamations, accents and other elements that enrich the story are used. The act of telling a story has been present since time immemorial in human history since man has always felt the need to relate his past as well as his present both through fictitious and non-fictitious forms.

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