
definition of treasure

The word treasure is used to designate an object that contains a lot of value for someone and that therefore is something that they keep in a very precious way. The concept of treasure has to do in most cases with an important amount of capital or money that is kept and kept under protection by its owner. However, treasure can also refer to something symbolic, for example when a person says that their children are their treasure or that for example a treasure for a person is an insignificant piece of paper for its emotional value.

The treasure is usually described as a large and conspicuous amount of money that remains stored and reserved somewhere to prevent it from being stolen or robbed. That treasure can be the product of a person's long-term work as well as some kind of inheritance specifically received at a special time. The treasure is made up of money, although within it there may be different coins, bills and even pure metal such as gold or silver. When a person owns a treasure, one speaks of a wealthy or rich person and the fact of owning such a large amount of silver obviously changes the perspective that one has on that person.

However, as stated, a treasure can be much more than a large sum of money. In this sense, when the term gains a symbolic value it can be used by anyone, even the humblest of people. This is so since the treasure can also be generated from the emotional or sentimental value that is applied to objects or relationships, for which something that normally has no monetary value such as a memory, an item or a link between people it can easily become very important and treasured by someone.

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