
definition of husband

Stable relationships go through different stages. Dating begins with the expectation that that love will last for a long time, however, the answer to how long that love will last depends on many factors. For this reason, it is very important to be prudent in making such important decisions as a wedding once the couple really know each other.

It is advisable not to make this wedding decision during the first six months of dating when the couple is still in the cloud of the idealization of falling in love. When a couple marries then they stop being dating to become husband and wife. The husband assumes the unconditional commitment to love his partner in good and bad by establishing a commitment of respect and fidelity.


This marriage bond, which can be produced by a religious or civil rite, shows a formalization of the relationship. A step that many couples take before forming a family, although traditions are changing in love and it is increasingly common for couples to decide to live together before getting married.

What are the differences in a dating relationship and in a marital relationship? In marriage there is a commitment to the future, a compatible life project in common. However, during the courtship, couples are in a process of mutual knowledge that is key to be able to make these types of decisions later.

In the stage of marriage there are no longer typical symptoms of courtship, such as the butterflies in the stomach that are frequent in the first stage of the illusion. However, as there is a higher level of knowledge, there is more trust with the partner and greater security of one's own feelings and those of the other.

The husband gives his word of love during the religious ceremony, ceremonies that are marked by many symbols that show emotional bonding. For example, the exchange of alliances is a symbol.

A personal relationship

The relationship between the husband and his partner shows a bond of intimacy since there are many spaces that couples share in their daily routine. It is a relationship that must be constantly cared for since it is also possible to suffer emotional crises and breakups.

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