
definition of latin america

Latin America (also alternatively called Latin America) is a sub-region within the American continent that includes all those countries that have been conquered and colonized by the Iberian countries of Spain and Portugal. Thus, the territory known as Latin America (due to the speech of languages ​​derived from Latin) occupies from Mexico to the South Pole, covering all the countries of Central America and almost all of South America except for the small territories where English is spoken. , French or Dutch.

Due to its extension throughout almost the entire planet in a north-south sense, Latin America has a great diversity of climates and biomes, as well as an important volume of natural resources that have historically made it one of the most coveted and exploited regions : Precious metals, climates and lands suitable for all types of agriculture and livestock, oil, gas and others are some of the resources found in this subcontinent and that, paradoxically, have served the wealth of the great powers and the helplessness more of Latin Americans themselves.

In Latin America we find a majority of countries that speak Spanish as a result of the vast expanse previously dominated by Spain and Brazil, the only territory in Latin America where Portuguese is spoken. Despite sharing the same language, the territories previously dominated by Spain have developed different types of language that mix and combine native traditions in a particular way, as well as the lexicon that European immigrants brought throughout history.

In this sense, it is very important to point out that Latin America is one of the richest regions in cultural and social terms due both to the presence of pre-Columbian cultures and to the transformations that occurred after the European conquest and domination. Thus, each region of Latin America has its own spirit, traditions, customs, and different ways of thinking. Even this becomes very visible between different regions of the same country that are only connected to each other by artificially armed borders. Socially, Latin America is largely made up of the heritage of native and European societies that left their mark and to this we must add the important presence in regions such as the Caribbean, Brazil and Venezuela of African factors due to slavery.

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