
definition of supernatural

It is said that something is supernatural when exceeds the limits of nature and therefore the supreme laws that it proposes. For instance: "My brother possesses a strength that is truly supernatural.”

That which exceeds the limit of what is considered natural

Taking the example that we use, the common and current thing is that men have strength, more than women, but of course, that strength has a natural limit, whereas when there are people who demonstrate with their manifestations that they exceed what is considered as average or normal they are considered within the supernatural, that is, it is not common for it to have that force and then it is classified within the supernatural.

What is not part of our earthly world

Also, the term is applied to refer to that which does not belong to the earthly world. “I had a supernatural experience that I don't know how to tell it to you.”

For example, spotting UFOs, as unidentified flying objects are abbreviated, which are believed to come from another planet or galaxy, and are commanded by the famous extraterrestrials, see a spirit or assure that a saint appeared in the middle. At night, issues that are associated with the supernatural are considered, since on earth they do not exist in any way, nor are there explanations or antecedents of them, that can explain those facts, much less are there tests.

Something extraordinary

And also when something is extraordinary or overwhelming it is described as supernatural. "His appearance is something supernatural.”

It should be noted that the use that we give the term mostly in common language is to define what is above or beyond what is understood as natural and that then it is believed that exists outside the laws of nature and the observable universe.

The supernatural themes that arouse the most attention

As a consequence that science limits its explanations to phenomena that have a natural cause, not considering supernatural issues because they cannot be investigated empirically, supernatural issues are generally linked to concepts such as occult or paranormal. Religious miracles, magic (not sleight of hand), contact with the afterlife, as well as ideas such as reincarnation, demonic possessions, prophecies, those supernatural entities (vampires, werewolf, ghosts), spells, curses and until the divinations, among others, are some of the phenomena that are framed within the concept of supernatural.

Meanwhile, the characteristics that stand out for this type of phenomenon is the uniqueness, anomaly and lack of control what are they presenting.

It is practically unlikely that some of the aforementioned phenomena can be reproduced in order to be studied by science.

Difference with the paranormal phenomenon

Although paranormal phenomena are usually grouped as a sub-category within supernatural phenomena, it is worth noting that the supernatural is not the same as the paranormal.

Paranormal phenomena are inherent to nature, although they depart from the norm due to their uniqueness and although they cannot be explained in the specific terms proposed by science, yes, a more formal study can be applied to them and even lead to theorizations .

In the world of fiction, literature, movies, television programs and even theater, themes and stories that are linked or based on supernatural issues are usually addressed.

These contents are very required and arouse great interest in the public, because of course, the fascination and amazement produced by those questions outside the natural and that for the most part cannot be explained, to human beings, so rational, move us, and So that's why we are inclined and interested in these issues.

Science does not recognize supernatural experiences or phenomena because they cannot be proven

From the above we must say that both the concept of the supernatural and all those questions that come from that universe that exceeds the natural and explicable limits in our world, is not attended to by the scientific world, because for science nothing exists unless it can be demonstrated reliably through a test or that can be compared through an empirical procedure.

Science does not believe at all in these types of questions and because the human being mostly validates what science proposes is that these issues are always considered in rather obscure or isolated contexts.

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