
definition of procreation

Procreation is the term that designates the biological process that consists of the reproduction and multiplication of the species itself. It should be noted that in our language the concept of reproduction to designate it.

Thanks to procreation, the creation of a new organism is possible, while it should be noted that it is one of the most common characteristics of the life forms that we know.

Undoubtedly, this ability to perpetuate itself is one of the most distinctive of living organisms and the one that allows us to produce organisms similar to those that produce them.

There are two basic ways of reproduction: the asexual or vegetative and the sexual or generative.

Asexual procreation is characterized by the existence of a single parent that is partially or totally divided and gives way to the appearance of one or more organisms that will display the same genetic information. The main characteristic of this type of reproduction is that gametes or sex cells do not intervene, that is, a single organism is capable of creating other new organisms, and that the descendant organisms present almost no differences and if there are any, it is caused by some mutation.

For its part, sexual procreation is the most common that occurs in complex organisms and is characterized by the participation of two cells, gametes, which originate from meiosis and unite at the request of fertilization. In this case, the parents, who are two, transmit their genetic information to the descendants. Due to this situation there will be genetic variability in the offspring.

Human reproduction takes place between human beings of different sex, male and female. It is produced satisfactorily when the gametes on one side and the other, the sperm on the part of the man and the ovum on the part of the woman, unite effectively giving way to the egg or zygote that from that moment will begin to undergo a series of cell divisions in the embryonic development that ends with obtaining an embryo.

It is worth mentioning that the success of human reproduction will require the coordinated and joint action of hormones, the reproductive system and the nervous system. If any of these pillars suffers a disorder, it will not be carried out according to the reproduction.

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