
definition of newspaper article

Journalism can be understood from the different media. In the context of the press in its different forms we find a particular journalistic genre, the article.

Types of newspaper articles

In most newspapers we find different formats of articles. The one who marks the line of thought of a newspaper is known as the editorial, which is usually presented without a signature. We can also find opinion articles, in which a journalist or writer performs a particular analysis on a current issue, also known as an opinion column. Depending on the type of newspaper we can find various journalistic articles: humorous, traditional, cultural or historical. A particular modality is the article of criticism, which can be of literary criticism, cinema, theater or any type of spectacle (for example, in Spain and some Latin American countries bullfighting criticism is made). Regardless of genre, all newspaper articles tend to be related to some aspect of current affairs.

General characteristics

Whoever writes an article is not giving news, but is interpreting an aspect of reality. In this sense, the columnist does not report on facts (if he did, we would talk about a news item) but rather provides a personal opinion, his subjective vision. Consequently, the newspaper article is a more free and informal format, since it is not subject to the narration of specific and objective facts.

To attract the attention of the reader, the good writer must lead his writing with a suggestive and attractive title. Likewise, the writer or columnist tries to catch the reader from the beginning of the article to the end.

One aspect that should not be ignored is the literary dimension. In fact, the newspaper article is itself a literary genre. In this sense, the writer or columnist addresses an issue that has a general interest and at the same time has something with a unique narrative style and technique.

The purpose of any newspaper article is to create opinion among readers, who normally follow columnists because their vision of reality is suggestive in some way.

Photos: iStock - kissenbo / karelnoppe

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