
definition of amplitude

In general terms, the word amplitude refers to the extension and expansion of a question, a thing, a space, among others..

On the other hand, the term amplitude is also used when you want to account for the capacity for moral and intellectual understanding that a person presents, either as a characteristic of his personality or with respect to a controversial issue or issue.

For example, faced with an issue sometimes as controversial for some as is the case of sex, with all the taboos that for many it contains, then, when a person is absolutely in favor of it being taught in schools, already from the level Primary, a subject that is exclusively about sexual education, tending to guide the boys in this regard to avoid future problems or complications, generally and popularly it will be said that the person who promotes this issue has a strong breadth of criteria regarding the subject.

While, In Physics, the amplitude will be the measure of the maximum variation of the displacement, of an electromagnetic signal for example, that varies periodically or quasi-periodically in time, that is, the maximum value to which an oscillating magnitude can reach in a period of weather.

On the other hand and At the behest of mathematics, the amplitude refers to the difference that will exist between the maximum and minimum value of the distribution of a variable.

Also, by breadth it can refer to angle between the vertical plane that passes through the line of sight directed to the center of a star and the primary vertical.

And finally, the last application found for the word is found in Statistics and refers to the distance that separates the observation with the highest value from the one with a lower value in the total set of observations.

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